Exhibition reflection

This week in exhibition i almost finished my dance I like the dance I think it was very good but it’s still not done but next week it will be and also better so that is the dance and in mentor meeting i thought of a scratch game its like you go around in a car collecting fruit and veggies i think it will be hard but will still try also i have another game where you collect fruit and veggies in a bowl.

100 wc t3 w8

One day I went to the city to go to good games to get some magic the gathering (mtg) I know! So I went to get some mtg cards when I saw to people (or at least I Though they were people) being statues and I thought.

“Wow I could get money from doing that”

So I looked in my wallet and I had no money to get stuff with so I froze like a statue and waited and waited and waited and waited and waited and waited and waited then out of the blue I got a coin!


My graph

With my graphs, the one I did not like was my first as it was rushed and I did not use a ruler so it was very messy so it was so bad. The second graph, I was very happy with I was not rushed and I used a ruler so it was very neat and I’m ultra happy with it and I think it’s GREAT! Also i like how i coloured the second one in as I made it look better but you know its not about the looks at all its about the research and stuff, not the looks and if your a scientist doesn’t care about the looks at all so I hope you like what I did, and don’t care about the looks! 😀 😆 🤟🏻